Apr 1, 2020 | Announcements
Resilience recognizes that sexual violence does not pause during a pandemic. In these unprecedented times, we are doing everything we can to assure that survivors have the support needed to heal. We will continue to be creative and innovative in our efforts to ensure...
Mar 19, 2020 | Announcements
All court dates for Emergency Orders of Protection that are set to return or expire on March 17, 2020 through and including April 15, 2020 are extended, rescheduled and continued. Survivors can visit their website to see their next court date by clicking here.
Jan 24, 2020 | Announcements
Resilience has partnered with Legal Aid Chicago, Chicago’s largest provider of free, comprehensive civil legal aid, in an effort to assure survivors have access to civil attorneys who can provide support on legal matters that have arisen from sexual assault. Click...
Jan 15, 2020 | Announcements
Resilience has partnered with Legal Aid Chicago, Chicago’s largest provider of free, comprehensive civil legal aid, in an effort to assure survivors have access to civil attorneys who can provide support on legal matters that have arisen from sexual assault. Click...
Nov 21, 2019 | Announcements
Resiliencia se ha asociado con Legal Aid Chicago, el mayor proveedor de asistencia legal civil gratuita y completa de Chicago, en un esfuerzo por asegurar que los sobrevivientes tengan acceso a abogados civiles que puedan brindar apoyo en asuntos legales surgidos de...
Nov 21, 2019 | Announcements
Resilience has partnered with Legal Aid Chicago, Chicago’s largest provider of free, comprehensive civil legal aid, in an effort to assure survivors have access to civil attorneys who can provide support on legal matters that have arisen from sexual assault. Click...
Oct 29, 2019 | Announcements
Resiliencia se ha asociado con Legal Aid Chicago, el mayor proveedor de asistencia legal civil gratuita y completa de Chicago, en un esfuerzo por asegurar que los sobrevivientes tengan acceso a abogados civiles que puedan brindar apoyo en asuntos legales surgidos de...
Oct 29, 2019 | Announcements
Resilience has partnered with Legal Aid Chicago, Chicago’s largest provider of free, comprehensive civil legal aid, in an effort to assure survivors have access to civil attorneys who can provide support on legal matters that have arisen from sexual assault. Click...
Oct 21, 2019 | Announcements
Resilience is partnering with Legal Aid Chicago to provide free comprehensive legal assistance for sexual assault and sexual violence survivors, as a part of the Comprehensive Legal Assistance for Survivors Project (CLASP). Please see details below or check our...
Oct 17, 2019 | Announcements
Resilience has partnered with Legal Aid Chicago, Chicago’s largest provider of free, comprehensive civil legal aid, in an effort to assure survivors have access to civil attorneys who can provide support on legal matters that have arisen from sexual assault. FREE...