Our Austin Trauma Therapist, DeVona Alleyne, was highlighted in Chicago Tribune’s Oak Leaves! 


Q: What brings you out today?
A: I’m part of a consent panel today at Euclid Avenue United Methodist Church. I’m a trauma therapist at the Austin office of Rape Victim Advocates. There are a few of us who are going to talk about rape culture, consent, sexual assault 101.

Q: How did you get involved with Rape Victim Advocates?
A: I was a volunteer with them for more than a year, and about a year ago I started as a therapist in the west side office.

Q: What’s the most gratifying part of the work you’re doing?
A: To watch people’s healing journey from terrified to triumphant. Seeing people work toward that and continue on with life is phenomenal.

Read the full article at www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/oak-park/news/ct-oak-shout-out-alleyne-tl-1012-20171004-story.html.

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