Hybrid 40-Hour Sexual Assault Crisis Intervention Training

Hybrid 40-Hour Sexual Assault Crisis Intervention Training

Participants will obtain foundational knowledge on sexual violence and rape culture.  This training will provide an in-depth examination on how sexual violence impacts individuals, communities, and broader society. Click here to register. Questions?  Contact Michael...

Celebrating Resilience: Ashton McLean-Hall

In honor of Resilience’s 45th anniversary and our theme “Celebrating Resilience,” we’re celebrating the people who make #OurResilience possible and telling the stories of some of our biggest supporters. This month we’re shining a spotlight on Ashton McLean-Hall....

Celebrating Resilience: Victoria Velinski

In honor of Resilience’s 45th anniversary and our theme “Celebrating Resilience,” we’re celebrating the people who make #OurResilience possible and telling the stories of some of our biggest supporters, starting with our volunteers. Resilience was founded in 1974 by a...

2020 Volunteer Training Dates and Deadlines

**IMPORTANT UPDATE AS OF MARCH 16, 2020: SPRING 2020 TRAINING HAS BEEN POSTPONED.**  As of March 16, spring volunteer training has been postponed. We will keep our community and training registrants updated as information and guidance related to the spread of COVID-19...
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