Sunday Story Time

Resilience is hosting a Sunday Story Time series on Facebook Live through the end of August 2020. Please see below for more details. Sunday Story Time Sundays May 17, 2020 through August 30, 2020 12:00–12:30pm CT We are bringing education and solidarity to your home!...

Erin Walton Interviewed on WGN

In a video that aired on WGN on July 2, 2019, Executive Director Erin Walton was interviewed about how to talk to kids and summer camp staff about preventing sexual violence. Click here to watch the full interview and read Resilience’s tips.

Support HB 3550!

Support HB 3550! “It’s never too early to begin educating about consent. Education on consent fosters compassion, empathy, accountability, and respect for others’ boundaries. It provides a framework for helping young people understand that the choices they make,...
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