In an emergency situation, always call 911. Emergency situations include a recent threat of violence, recent act of violence or if someone’s health is in imminent danger.
Crisis Hotlines
(All are 24 hours a day unless otherwise noted)
State of Illinois Domestic Violence Hotline
877-863-6338 (877-TO END DV) | http://batteredwomensnetwork.org/
877-863-6339 for people who are deaf or hearing impaired
Chicago Rape Crisis Hotline
888-293-2080 | https://ywcachicago.org/our-work/sexual-violence-support-services/rapecrisis/
Rape, Abuse and Incest National (RAINN) Hotline
1-800-656-HOPE | www.rainn.org
Planned Parenthood
1-800-230-7526 | www.plannedparenthood.org
National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or 1-800-787-3224 | www.thehotline.org
Other Resources
Tips for Survivors on Consuming Media
The City of Chicago has made several investments in strengthening the safety net and options to survivors of gender-based violence including sexual assault.
Survivor Financial and Housing Assistance Options:
- The Network rental assistance for survivors: Survivor Fund – The Network (the-network.org)
- City of Chicago Rental Assistance Program: City of Chicago :: Apply for Rental Assistance Program (RAP)
- Emergency rental and utility assistance: Emergency Assistance Grants | NHS Chicago
- List of other available financial assistance: Emergency Financial Assistance – All Chicago
- All Chicago Coordinated Entry System: Coordinated Entry System – All Chicago