Resilience Training Institute

All professionals and service providers should feel equipped to support survivors, and all survivors should be able to count on trustworthy, specialized institutional responses. In 2018, we established the Resilience Training Institute (RTI) in order to meet the urgent need among Chicago professionals and service providers for formally structured, high quality training in sexual violence response and prevention.

40-Hour Confidential Advisor Training

To assist area higher education institutions in ensuring compliance with the Preventing Sexual Violence in Higher Education Act, Resilience offers a 40-hour training specifically designed for Confidential Advisors. Resilience has an extensive history of working with higher education institutions, providing student support, policy consultation, technical assistance, training and prevention education to 13 Chicago area higher education institutions.

Our next 40 hour training will be held:

Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays
Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Dates: January 6th – 16th

Register Here 

For more information about professional trainings, contact Sarah Layden

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