Resilience Training Institute
All professionals and service providers should feel equipped to support survivors, and all survivors should be able to count on trustworthy, specialized institutional responses. In 2018, we established the Resilience Training Institute (RTI) in order to meet the urgent need among Chicago professionals and service providers for formally structured, high quality training in sexual violence response and prevention.
Specialized Trainings
Resilience’s Specialized Trainings are designed for a wide range of professionals on various topics to increase their capacity to work with survivors of sexual assault. These evidence-based trainings go in-depth on various topical subjects taught by experts in the field. LCPC/LCSW CEUs are offered for these trainings.
The Resilience Training Institute now offers sliding scale pricing on our specialized trainings! What does that mean exactly? The price to register is determined by your income level or student status. Resilience knows that trainings are expensive and budgets are limited, and we are committed to making our offerings more equitable, accessible, and inclusive. We hope you can join us!
Upcoming Trainings
Interested in sexual assault training?
Join us January 6th for a virtual 40-hour training course with two track options:
Crisis Intervention or Confidential Advisor!
For more information about professional trainings, contact us at