Dr. Bushra Sabri and researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing are conducting a research study called It’s weWomen Plus (IWWP) to provide heath and safety tools for immigrant women who feel unsafe in their relationships.

Immigrant women remain an understudied and underserved population in need of evidence-based culturally competent interventions that address their health and safety needs. Technology-based interventions such as computer-based websites or smartphone-based mobile apps may be particularly useful for meeting the needs of immigrant women who can be socially isolated and unable to use in-person services.

The It’s weWomen Plus Project (IWWP) examines the effectiveness of the online weWomen Plus intervention that uses health and safety planning resources in combination with text messaging and phone calls for immigrant women. Women who need additional support or continue to face safety challenges at three months will be provided with additional support via phone and text at their preferred time and convenience and using a safe million. The team will ensure that technology safety, ethical guidelines, and best practices are followed in any interaction with the women.

Incentives: Women are compensated for completing each survey and receive online gift cards. No in-person meetings are required.

Outcomes: The goal is to empower immigrant women to make informed decisions about their health and safety.

To learn more, visit the website here or contact researchers at itswewomenplus@jhu.edu or 443-287-8739.

immigrant women, It’s weWomen Plus, Johns Hopkins University, research, study

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