Last year we asked you to submit a witness slip to stop a bill requiring a presumption that equal parenting time is in the best interest of all children in dissolution of marriage and parentage cases. The bill has resurfaced again as HB 185.

We remain concerned that this bill would have a devastating impact on children in homes with domestic and sexual violence and other forms of abuse given the high legal standard required to challenge the equal time mandate. The bill would also negatively impact parents who cannot afford the cost of legal representation to fight the presumption and protect their children from further abuse.

Resilience has the only legal/medical advocate in the city of Chicago dedicated exclusively to advocating for children 16 and under. We have first-hand experiences of family court systems that are more likely to believe accusations of child sexual abuse are fabrications rather than reality. These experiences as we know are not unique to child victims and families in court, but pervasive in our society when it comes to sexual assault and sexual abuse. By allowing this bill to pass, non-offending parents trying to protect their children from further harm from a parent believed to have sexually abused the child will have a higher burden to overcome in keeping their child safe. Help protect our clients by submitting a witness slip today.

HB 185 has been assigned to the Judicial – Civil Committee and its Family Law Subcommittee, which both have hearings on Thursday morning. Take two minutes to help protect our youth by signing a witness slip opposing HB 185.

Instructions for submitting a witness slip:

  1. Click here to create your witness slip for the Judiciary Civil Committee and here to create your witness slip for the Family Law Subcommittee for HB185
  2. For “Identification”, enter your personal information.
  3. For “Firm/Business or Agency,” enter Resilience, formerly known as Rape Victim Advocates. For Title, enter Supporter.
  4. For “Representation”, enter Resilience.
  5. For “Position”, select HB 185 and select OPPONENT.
  6. For “Testimony”, select Record of Appearance Only, so that your slip is taken in consideration.
  7. Click CREATE SLIP to record your opposition to HB 185.

​Thank you for taking action and supporting survivors!

Read the Vote No on HB 185 Handout

Action Alert, HB 185

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