This training provides an overview of the neurobiology of trauma, consent, and overcoming the challenges of delayed reporting, inconsistent statements, and lack of force in a sexual assault investigations.

Participants will learn to approach an investigation in a trauma-informed manner, assisting in building rapport with survivors, while aiding the outcome of an investigation. This training is ideal for law enforcement and campus security, or those involved in the complaint resolution process in Higher Education Institutions.

Date: May 30, 2018
Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm
Location: 180 N. Michigan Ave. Suite 610, Chicago, IL
Regular (until May 28): $200

About the Presenter: Sarah Layden is the Director of Programs and Public Policy with RVA. Sarah is a sought after trainer, who has personally facilitated and ensured the training of nearly 8700 law enforcement officers and prosecutors on issues related to working with sexual assault and abuse survivors. She is committed to ensuring survivors have a voice within the institutions they choose to access for support and justice.

Questions? Please contact Candice Tindell, Training and Outreach Coordinator, at or (872) 356-8217.

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